Dear FOG ( Friends of Gloria ),

This has been a busy weekend, at least compared with many. Sometimes I have sat for five, even ten years, doing nothing, and now out and about twice in three days!

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On Thursday there was this General Election event, one of those things that keep coming up every five years, so I felt it important enough for me to take a hand in it personally, not just a cardboard cut-out.

Everyone was very friendly and jolly; a pleasant, easy job. Someone in the background advised, “Careful she doesn’t bite you”.

The following morning, Friday, Ron rang up Gordon at 10 am to find him still in bed. Gordon said he hadn’t heard the election results, so Ron said shortly “Oh, a Landslide” and changed the subject.

Next day, on Saturday, I was invited to help with the Christian Aid Walk once more, from Ware to Ware, starting and ending at Allenbury’s Sports Hall. You have heard of Glaxo? Well it is there.

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As you know, I usually work bare-foot but this weekend needed a quick dress change, notably from the blue diamante slip-ons which came last week from the May Market at 50p into the size 10 slippers from M&S at £26!

Weather was the problem. The weatherman said there might be sharp showers, and, for myself, I aim to stick to fair conditions.

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We had this Lake District hat, the brim of which would keep raindrops off the familiar features which you admire so much. The red jacket which came recently seemed solid enough to be waterproof, but the problem was protecting the legs. We seemed to be right out of waterproof skirts. Have you ever noticed any in the charity shops? I think not. Not ‘Onesies’ either, but that’s another story.

Searching, Gordon found a pair of white trousers. But White! They would show the least bit of dirt so he insisted I came in to somewhere properly clean before he would let me put them on.

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My job on the Walk was close to the penultimate check point at St Andrew’s Church in Stanstead Abbotts, pointing the walkers to the hall, up off the road. It couldn’t have been more convenient for having the car to hand. Not the one in the picture.

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Frances from our URC Church in Hertford, who were manning the check point hall, came out and was particularly interested, friendly and helpful. She went and got me a couple of Christian Aid balloons, blew them up, and fixed them herself.

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There were pictures with all sorts of people. For instance, as they arrived the St John’s Ambulance men, Adrian and Rob, joined in.

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We even had the benefit of the passing cycle race.

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At one stage of the proceedings a lady started asking me for information before the other staff joined in on the conversation.

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It was highly encouraging. I really enjoyed being part of the discussion team with Brenda and Cheryl, friends of Frances.

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Vernon was my fellow traveller in our car, but not very visible here because of including the gateway, I fear.

He had been marshalling just up the hill, the person before the walkers got to me.

We had several folk taking pictures with their mobile phones.

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Exploring with his full-scale camera, along comes my old friend, Peter Ruffles, MBE, twice times mayor of Hertford, who paused to enjoy a chat whilst having his portrait taken with me.

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In all, the job lasted four hours, being all afternoon from 2 to 6pm, which proved quite exhausting, although kindly Peter Worth came along later and offered relief for a while.

I may say that I was glad to get home at the end of it.

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And notice there wasn’t any rain after all!

With lots of love to everyone, from Gloria.